Car-Like Conflict-Based Search(CL-CBS) algorithm to solve the Multi-Agent Path Finding for Car-Like robots (CL-MAPF) problem.
template<typename State, typename Action, typename Cost, typename Conflict, typename Constraints, typename Environment>
class libMultiRobotPlanning::CL_CBS< State, Action, Cost, Conflict, Constraints, Environment >
Car-Like Conflict-Based Search(CL-CBS) algorithm to solve the Multi-Agent Path Finding for Car-Like robots (CL-MAPF) problem.
It applies a body conflict tree to address collisions considering shapes of the agents. It uses a new algorithm called Spatiotemporal Hybrid-State A* as the single-agent path planner to generate path satisfying both kinematic and spatiotemporal constraints. The file also integrates a sequential planning version of CL-CBS method for the sake of efficiency.
Details of the algorithm can be found in the following paper:
Licheng Wen, Zhen Zhang, Zhe Chen, Xiangrui Zhao, and Yong Liu. CL-MAPF: Multi-Agent Path Finding for Car-Like Robots with Kinematic and Spatiotemporal Constraints.[arxiv]
- Template Parameters
State | Custom state for the search. Needs to be copy'able |
Action | Custom action for the search. Needs to be copy'able |
Cost | Custom Cost type (integer or floating point types) |
Conflict | Custom conflict description. A conflict needs to be able to be transformed into a constraint. |
Constraints | Custom constraint description. The Environment needs to be able to search on the low-level while taking the constraints into account. |
Environment | This class needs to provide the custom logic. In particular, it needs to support the following functions:
void setLowLevelContext(size_t agentIdx, const Constraints* constraints)
Set the current context to a particular agent with the given set of constraints
Cost admissibleHeuristic(const State& s)
Admissible heuristic. Needs to take current context into account.
bool isSolution(const State& s, Cost gscore, std::unordered_map<State, std::tuple<State, Action, Cost, Cost> , StateHasher>& cameFrom)
Return true if the given state is a goal state for the current agent. Add analatic expansion into camefrom struct.
void getNeighbors(const State& s, std::vector<Neighbor<State, Action, int> >& neighbors)
Fill the list of neighboring state for the given state s and the current agent.
bool getFirstConflict(const std::vector<PlanResult<State, Action, int> >& solution, Conflict& result)
Finds the first body conflict for the given solution for each agent. Return true if a conflict conflict was found and false otherwise.
void createConstraintsFromConflict(const Conflict& conflict, std::map<size_t, Constraints>& constraints)
Create a list of constraints for the given conflict.
void onExpandHighLevelNode(Cost cost)
This function is called on every high-level expansion and can be used for statistical purposes.
void onExpandLowLevelNode(const State& s, Cost fScore, Cost gScore)
This function is called on every low-level expansion and can be used for statistical purposes.
- Examples:
- cl_cbs.cpp.