template<typename State, typename Action, typename Cost, typename Environment, typename StateHasher = std::hash<State>>
class libMultiRobotPlanning::HybridAStar< State, Action, Cost, Environment, StateHasher >
Spatiotemporal Hybrid A* Algorithm.
This class implements the Spatiotemporal Hybrid-State A* algorithm. Noted that it could also used as traditional Hybrid-State Astar using correct implementation
This class can either use a fibonacci heap, or a d-ary heap. The former is the default. Comment "USE_FIBONACCI_HEAP" to use the d-ary heap instead.
- Template Parameters
State | Custom state for the search. Needs to be copy'able |
Action | Custom action for the search. Needs to be copy'able |
Cost | Custom Cost type (integer or floating point types) |
Environment | This class needs to provide the custom hybrid A* logic. In particular, it needs to support the following functions:
Cost admissibleHeuristic(const State& s)
This function can return 0 if no suitable heuristic is available.
bool isSolution(const State& s, Cost gscore, std::unordered_map<State, std::tuple<State, Action, Cost, Cost> , StateHasher>& cameFrom)
Return true if the given state is close to goal state and it has a collision-free path to goal. It is also needed to insert the generate path-to-goal into the current cameFrom map.
State getGoal()
Return goal state of current agent.
void getNeighbors(const State& s, std::vector<Neighbor<State, Action, Cost> >& neighbors)
Fill the list of neighboring state for the given state s.
int calcIndex(const State& s)
This function calculate a index(int) for a given state s, the index uses as a key in closed list.
void onExpandNode(const State& s, Cost fScore, Cost gScore)
This function is called on every expansion and can be used for statistical purposes.
void onDiscover(const State& s, Cost fScore, Cost gScore)
This function is called on every node discovery and can be used for statistical purposes.
StateHasher | A class to convert a state to a hash value. Default: std::hash<State> |
- Examples:
- sh_astar.cpp.