
Implementation of Spatiotemporal Hybrid-State A* algorithm.

#include <math.h>
#include <ompl/base/State.h>
#include <ompl/base/spaces/DubinsStateSpace.h>
#include <ompl/base/spaces/ReedsSheppStateSpace.h>
#include <ompl/base/spaces/SE2StateSpace.h>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <eigen3/Eigen/Dense>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
typedef ompl::base::SE2StateSpace::StateType OmplState;
#include "hybrid_astar.hpp"
#include "timer.hpp"
using namespace libMultiRobotPlanning;
namespace Constants {
// [m] --- The minimum turning radius of the vehicle
static const float r = 3;
static const float deltat = 6.75 / 180.0 * M_PI;
// [#] --- A movement cost penalty for turning (choosing non straight motion
// primitives)
static const float penaltyTurning = 1.3;
// [#] --- A movement cost penalty for reversing (choosing motion primitives >
// 2)
static const float penaltyReversing = 2.0;
// [#] --- A movement cost penalty for change of direction (changing from
// primitives < 3 to primitives > 2)
static const float penaltyCOD = 2.0;
// map resolution
static const float mapResolution = 2.0;
static const float xyResolution = r * deltat;
static const float yawResolution = deltat;
// width of car
static const float carWidth = 2.0;
// distance from rear to vehicle front end
static const float LF = 2.0;
// distance from rear to vehicle back end
static const float LB = 1.0;
// obstacle default radius
static const float obsRadius = 1;
// R = 3, 6.75 DEG
const double dx[] = {r * deltat, r* sin(deltat), r* sin(deltat),
-r* deltat, -r* sin(deltat), -r* sin(deltat)};
const double dy[] = {0, -r*(1 - cos(deltat)), r*(1 - cos(deltat)),
0, -r*(1 - cos(deltat)), r*(1 - cos(deltat))};
const double dyaw[] = {0, deltat, -deltat, 0, -deltat, deltat};
static inline float normalizeHeadingRad(float t) {
if (t < 0) {
t = t - 2.f * M_PI * (int)(t / (2.f * M_PI));
return 2.f * M_PI + t;
return t - 2.f * M_PI * (int)(t / (2.f * M_PI));
} // namespace Constants
struct State {
State(double x, double y, double yaw) : x(x), y(y), yaw(yaw) {}
State(const State&) = default;
State(State&&) = default;
State& operator=(const State&) = default;
State& operator=(State&&) = default;
bool operator==(const State& other) const {
return std::tie(x, y, yaw) == std::tie(other.x, other.y, other.yaw);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const State& s) {
return os << "(" << s.x << "," << s.y << ":" << s.yaw << ")";
double x;
double y;
double yaw;
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<State> {
size_t operator()(const State& s) const {
size_t seed = 0;
boost::hash_combine(seed, s.x);
boost::hash_combine(seed, s.y);
boost::hash_combine(seed, s.yaw);
return seed;
} // namespace std
using Action = int; // Action < 6
class Environment {
Environment(size_t maxx, size_t maxy, std::unordered_set<State> obstacles,
State goal)
: m_obstacles(std::move(obstacles)),
m_goal(goal) // NOLINT
m_dimx = (int)maxx / Constants::mapResolution;
m_dimy = (int)maxy / Constants::mapResolution;
// std::cout << "env build " << m_dimx << " " << m_dimy << " "
// << m_obstacles.size() << std::endl;
holonomic_cost_map = std::vector<std::vector<double>>(
m_dimx, std::vector<double>(m_dimy, 0));
m_goal = State(goal.x, goal.y, Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(goal.yaw));
struct compare_node {
bool operator()(const std::pair<State, double>& n1,
const std::pair<State, double>& n2) const {
return (n1.second > n2.second);
uint64_t calcIndex(const State& s) {
return (uint64_t)(Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(s.yaw) /
Constants::yawResolution) *
(m_dimx * Constants::mapResolution / Constants::xyResolution) *
(m_dimy * Constants::mapResolution / Constants::xyResolution) +
(uint64_t)(s.y / Constants::xyResolution) *
(m_dimx * Constants::mapResolution / Constants::xyResolution) +
(uint64_t)(s.x / Constants::xyResolution);
double admissibleHeuristic(const State& s) {
// non-holonomic-without-obstacles heuristic: use a Reeds-Shepp
ompl::base::ReedsSheppStateSpace reedsSheppPath(Constants::r);
OmplState* rsStart = (OmplState*)reedsSheppPath.allocState();
OmplState* rsEnd = (OmplState*)reedsSheppPath.allocState();
rsStart->setXY(s.x, s.y);
rsEnd->setXY(m_goal.x, m_goal.y);
double reedsSheppCost = reedsSheppPath.distance(rsStart, rsEnd);
// std::cout << "ReedsShepps cost:" << reedsSheppCost << std::endl;
// Euclidean distance
double euclideanCost =
sqrt(pow(m_goal.x - s.x, 2) + pow(m_goal.y - s.y, 2));
// std::cout << "Euclidean cost:" << euclideanCost << std::endl;
// holonomic-with-obstacles heuristic
double twoDoffset =
sqrt(pow((s.x - (int)s.x) - (m_goal.x - (int)m_goal.x), 2) +
pow((s.y - (int)s.y) - (m_goal.y - (int)m_goal.y), 2));
double twoDCost = holonomic_cost_map[(int)s.x / Constants::mapResolution]
[(int)s.y / Constants::mapResolution] -
// std::cout << "holonomic cost:" << twoDCost << std::endl;
return std::max({reedsSheppCost, euclideanCost, twoDCost});
bool isSolution(
const State& state, double gscore,
std::unordered_map<State, std::tuple<State, Action, double, double>,
std::hash<State>>& _camefrom) {
double goal_distance =
sqrt(pow(state.x - m_goal.x, 2) + pow(state.y - m_goal.y, 2));
if (goal_distance > 2 * (Constants::LB + Constants::LF)) return false;
ompl::base::ReedsSheppStateSpace reedsSheppSpace(Constants::r);
OmplState* rsStart = (OmplState*)reedsSheppSpace.allocState();
OmplState* rsEnd = (OmplState*)reedsSheppSpace.allocState();
rsStart->setXY(state.x, state.y);
rsEnd->setXY(m_goal.x, m_goal.y);
ompl::base::ReedsSheppStateSpace::ReedsSheppPath reedsShepppath =
reedsSheppSpace.reedsShepp(rsStart, rsEnd);
std::vector<State> path;
std::unordered_map<State, std::tuple<State, Action, double, double>,
for (auto pathidx = 0; pathidx < 5; pathidx++) {
if (fabs(reedsShepppath.length_[pathidx]) < 1e-6) continue;
double deltat, dx, act, cost;
switch (reedsShepppath.type_[pathidx]) {
case 0: // RS_NOP
case 1: // RS_LEFT
deltat = -reedsShepppath.length_[pathidx];
dx = Constants::r * sin(-deltat);
// dy = Constants::r * (1 - cos(-deltat));
act = 2;
cost = reedsShepppath.length_[pathidx] * Constants::r *
case 2: // RS_STRAIGHT
deltat = 0;
dx = reedsShepppath.length_[pathidx] * Constants::r;
// dy = 0;
act = 0;
cost = dx;
case 3: // RS_RIGHT
deltat = reedsShepppath.length_[pathidx];
dx = Constants::r * sin(deltat);
// dy = -Constants::r * (1 - cos(deltat));
act = 1;
cost = reedsShepppath.length_[pathidx] * Constants::r *
std::cout << "\033[1m\033[31m"
<< "Warning: Receive unknown ReedsSheppPath type"
<< "\033[0m\n";
if (cost < 0) {
cost = -cost * Constants::penaltyReversing;
act = act + 3;
State s = path.back();
std::vector<std::pair<State, double>> next_path =
generatePath(s, act, deltat, dx);
// State next_s(s.x + dx * cos(-s.yaw) - dy * sin(-s.yaw),
// s.y + dx * sin(-s.yaw) + dy * cos(-s.yaw),
// Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(s.yaw + deltat));
for (auto iter = next_path.begin(); iter != next_path.end(); iter++) {
State next_s = iter->first;
if (!stateValid(next_s))
return false;
else {
gscore += iter->second;
if (!(next_s == path.back())) {
std::make_tuple<>(path.back(), act, iter->second, gscore)));
m_goal = path.back();
// auto iter = cameFrom.find(getGoal());
// do {
// std::cout << " From " << std::get<0>(iter->second)
// << " to Node:" << iter->first
// << " with ACTION: " << std::get<1>(iter->second) << " cost "
// << std::get<2>(iter->second) << " g_score "
// << std::get<3>(iter->second) << std::endl;
// iter = cameFrom.find(std::get<0>(iter->second));
// } while (calcIndex(std::get<0>(iter->second)) != calcIndex(state));
// std::cout << " From " << std::get<0>(iter->second)
// << " to Node:" << iter->first
// << " with ACTION: " << std::get<1>(iter->second) << " cost "
// << std::get<2>(iter->second) << " g_score "
// << std::get<3>(iter->second) << std::endl;
_camefrom.insert(cameFrom.begin(), cameFrom.end());
return true;
void getNeighbors(const State& s, Action action,
std::vector<Neighbor<State, Action, double>>& neighbors) {
for (Action act = 0; act < 6; act++) { // has 6 directions for Reeds-Shepp
double xSucc, ySucc, yawSucc;
double g = Constants::dx[0];
xSucc = s.x + Constants::dx[act] * cos(-s.yaw) -
Constants::dy[act] * sin(-s.yaw);
ySucc = s.y + Constants::dx[act] * sin(-s.yaw) +
Constants::dy[act] * cos(-s.yaw);
yawSucc = Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(s.yaw + Constants::dyaw[act]);
if (act != action) { // penalize turning
g = g * Constants::penaltyTurning;
if (act >= 3) // penalize change of direction
g = g * Constants::penaltyCOD;
if (act > 3) { // backwards
g = g * Constants::penaltyReversing;
State tempState(xSucc, ySucc, yawSucc);
if (stateValid(tempState)) {
Neighbor<State, Action, double>(tempState, act, g));
void onExpandNode(const State& s, int /*fScore*/, int /*gScore*/) {
// std::cout << "Expand " << Ecount << " new Node:" << s << std::endl;
void onDiscover(const State& s, double fScore, double gScore) {
// std::cout << "Discover " << Dcount << " Node:" << s << " f:" << fScore
// << " g:" << gScore << std::endl;
State getGoal() { return m_goal; }
int Ecount = 0;
int Dcount = 0;
bool stateValid(const State& s) {
double x_ind = s.x / Constants::mapResolution;
double y_ind = s.y / Constants::mapResolution;
if (x_ind < 0 || x_ind >= m_dimx || y_ind < 0 || y_ind >= m_dimy)
return false;
Eigen::Matrix2f rot;
rot << cos(-s.yaw), -sin(-s.yaw), sin(-s.yaw), cos(-s.yaw);
for (auto it = m_obstacles.begin(); it != m_obstacles.end(); it++) {
Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 2> obs;
obs << it->x - s.x, it->y - s.y;
auto rotated_obs = obs * rot;
if (rotated_obs(0) > -Constants::LB - Constants::obsRadius &&
rotated_obs(0) < Constants::LF + Constants::obsRadius &&
rotated_obs(1) > -Constants::carWidth / 2.0 - Constants::obsRadius &&
rotated_obs(1) < Constants::carWidth / 2.0 + Constants::obsRadius)
return false;
return true;
// Eigen::Matrix2f rot;
// double yaw = M_PI / 2;
// rot << cos(yaw), -sin(yaw), sin(yaw), cos(yaw);
// Eigen::Matrix<float, 1, 2> temp;
// temp << 1, 2;
// auto ro = temp * rot;
// std::cout << ro(0) << ro(1) << std::endl;
void updateCostmap() {
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<std::pair<State, double>,
std::set<std::pair<int, int>> temp_obs_set;
for (auto it = m_obstacles.begin(); it != m_obstacles.end(); it++) {
std::make_pair((int)it->x / Constants::mapResolution,
(int)it->y / Constants::mapResolution));
int goal_x = (int)m_goal.x / Constants::mapResolution;
int goal_y = (int)m_goal.y / Constants::mapResolution;
heap.push(std::make_pair(State(goal_x, goal_y, 0), 0));
while (!heap.empty()) {
std::pair<State, double> node =;
int x = node.first.x;
int y = node.first.y;
for (int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++)
for (int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) continue;
int new_x = x + dx;
int new_y = y + dy;
if (new_x == goal_x && new_y == goal_y) continue;
if (new_x >= 0 && new_x < m_dimx && new_y >= 0 && new_y < m_dimy &&
holonomic_cost_map[new_x][new_y] == 0 &&
temp_obs_set.find(std::make_pair(new_x, new_y)) ==
temp_obs_set.end()) {
holonomic_cost_map[new_x][new_y] =
holonomic_cost_map[x][y] +
sqrt(pow(dx * Constants::mapResolution, 2) +
pow(dy * Constants::mapResolution, 2));
heap.push(std::make_pair(State(new_x, new_y, 0),
// for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dimx; i++) {
// for (size_t j = 0; j < m_dimy; j++)
// std::cout << holonomic_cost_map[i][j] << "\t";
// std::cout << std::endl;
// }
std::vector<std::pair<State, double>> generatePath(State startState, int act,
double deltaSteer,
double deltaLength) {
std::vector<std::pair<State, double>> result;
double xSucc, ySucc, yawSucc, dx, dy, dyaw, ratio;
result.emplace_back(std::make_pair<>(startState, 0));
if (act == 0 || act == 3) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)(deltaLength / Constants::dx[act]); i++) {
State s = result.back().first;
xSucc = s.x + Constants::dx[act] * cos(-s.yaw) -
Constants::dy[act] * sin(-s.yaw);
ySucc = s.y + Constants::dx[act] * sin(-s.yaw) +
Constants::dy[act] * cos(-s.yaw);
yawSucc = Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(s.yaw + Constants::dyaw[act]);
std::make_pair<>(State(xSucc, ySucc, yawSucc), Constants::dx[0]));
ratio = (deltaLength -
(int)(deltaLength / Constants::dx[act]) * Constants::dx[act]) /
dyaw = 0;
dx = ratio * Constants::dx[act];
dy = 0;
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)(deltaSteer / Constants::dyaw[act]); i++) {
State s = result.back().first;
xSucc = s.x + Constants::dx[act] * cos(-s.yaw) -
Constants::dy[act] * sin(-s.yaw);
ySucc = s.y + Constants::dx[act] * sin(-s.yaw) +
Constants::dy[act] * cos(-s.yaw);
yawSucc = Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(s.yaw + Constants::dyaw[act]);
std::make_pair<>(State(xSucc, ySucc, yawSucc),
Constants::dx[0] * Constants::penaltyTurning));
ratio =
(deltaSteer -
(int)(deltaSteer / Constants::dyaw[act]) * Constants::dyaw[act]) /
dyaw = ratio * Constants::dyaw[act];
dx = Constants::r * sin(dyaw);
dy = -Constants::r * (1 - cos(dyaw));
if (act == 2 || act == 5) {
dx = -dx;
dy = -dy;
State s = result.back().first;
xSucc = s.x + dx * cos(-s.yaw) - dy * sin(-s.yaw);
ySucc = s.y + dx * sin(-s.yaw) + dy * cos(-s.yaw);
yawSucc = Constants::normalizeHeadingRad(s.yaw + dyaw);
result.emplace_back(std::make_pair<>(State(xSucc, ySucc, yawSucc),
ratio * Constants::dx[0]));
// std::cout << "Have generate " << result.size() << " path segments:\n\t";
// for (auto iter = result.begin(); iter != result.end(); iter++)
// std::cout << iter->first << ":" << iter->second << "->";
// std::cout << std::endl;
return result;
int m_dimx;
int m_dimy;
std::unordered_set<State> m_obstacles;
std::vector<std::vector<double>> holonomic_cost_map;
State m_goal;
int main() {
// TODO: read map info from yaml
std::unordered_set<State> obs;
obs.insert(State(6.66799, 9.66868, 0));
obs.insert(State(6.86099, 6.20241, 0));
obs.insert(State(6.2493, 3.45836, 0));
obs.insert(State(6.93504, 0.747862, 0));
obs.insert(State(6.81566, 4.75936, 0));
State goal(13, 10, -M_PI);
State start(2, 2, 0);
Environment env(16, 16, obs, goal);
Timer timer;
bool searchSuccess =, solution);
std::string outputFile = "output_h.yaml";
std::ofstream out(outputFile);
if (searchSuccess) {
std::cout << "\033[1m\033[32m Succesfully find a path! \033[0m\n";
std::cout << "Solution get " << solution.states.size() << " states "
<< solution.actions.size() << " moves\n"
<< "Runtime: " << timer.elapsedSeconds() << std::endl;
out << "schedule:" << std::endl;
out << " agent1:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < solution.states.size(); ++i) {
out << " - x: " << solution.states[i].first.x << std::endl
<< " y: " << solution.states[i].first.y << std::endl
<< " yaw: " << solution.states[i].first.yaw << std::endl
<< " t: " << i << std::endl;
// for (auto iter = solution.states.begin(); iter != solution.states.end();
// iter++)
// std::cout << iter->first << ":" << iter->second << "->";
// std::cout << std::endl;
// for (auto iter = solution.actions.begin(); iter !=
// solution.actions.end();
// iter++)
// std::cout << iter->first << ":" << iter->second << "->";
// std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "Solution: gscore/cost:" << solution.cost
<< "\t fmin:" << solution.fmin << "\n\rDiscover " << env.Dcount
<< " Nodes and Expand " << env.Ecount << " Nodes." << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "\033[1m\033[31m Fail to find a path \033[0m\n";